Our Services

Our goal is to help create a safe, thriving work environment that fosters confidence in your employees and gives you Peace of Mind.
July 27, 2024


Construction is a major contributor to the U.S. economy. The industry has more than 745,000 employers with over 7.6 million employees and creates nearly $1.4 trillion worth of structures each year.
July 27, 2024


HV offers lifesaving on site workplace safety consultation, helping to prevent the worst but preparing your team with the best service.
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Bridging and Marine

HV is your business key partner in providing 24/7 global case management and telehealth care anywhere in the world.
July 27, 2024

Oil and Gas

Recognizing and controlling hazards is critical to preventing injuries and deaths. Our health and safety experts stand at the ready to deliver a plethora of medical services and training to keep teams safe.
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In recent years, occupational health related figures within the rail industry have provided a ‘wake-up call’. More needs to be done to improve the health and safety of railway workers.
July 27, 2024

PetroChemical Industrial Refining

Toxic chemicals in the petrochemical industry have numerous environmental, health and safety hazards that must be handled with extreme caution.
July 27, 2024

Wind Farms

As the wind farm industry continues to see growth, it introduces new materials, technologies, and processes exposing workers to increased and unique occupational risks.
July 27, 2024

Industrial Manufacturing

Occupational injuries in manufacturing settings such as plants and factories is a growing concern for employers and industry leaders – let’s fix that.
July 27, 2024

Solar Systems

Installation and manufacturing of green energy solar fields involve heavy labor and environmental exposure to the elements. HV Health and Safety was one of the first to create and teach the OSHA mandated Heat awareness course.
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In the mining sector, the prevention of accidents and adverse impacts on miners’ health comes top of mind. Our job is to draft progressive processes that mitigate accident risks to a minimum, maintaining compliance with legislation.
July 27, 2024

Offshore Platforms

High-risk sites such as offshore platforms present many challenges when it comes to occupational injuries, but with the proper procedures, training, medical services, and know-how in place, these opportunities can be minimized.