
Our goal is to help create a safe, thriving work environment that fosters confidence in your employees and gives you Peace of Mind.

In the mining sector, the prevention of accidents and adverse impacts on miners’ health comes top of mind. Our job is to draft progressive processes that mitigate accident risks to a minimum, maintaining compliance with legislation.
High-risk sites such as offshore platforms present many challenges when it comes to occupational injuries, but with the proper procedures, training, medical services, and know-how in place, these opportunities can be minimized.
Our team members are certified in different areas and scopes of the health and safety industry.
Our medical directors are board-certified in either Occupational Health Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Emergency Medicine. Our medical staff perform all needed occupational health services, while utilizing our medical directors that are certified in that specific state.

The Industries We Serve

HV Health and Safety has board certified medical directors in all 50 states as well as Canada and a support team specialized in occupational medicine.


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